Friday 7 January 2011

Discourse of Buddha(2)

First Discourse of Buddha at Saranath
Addressing the five bhikshus, Buddha said:
Do not call Tathagata by his name, nor address him 'friend', for he is Buddha, the Holy One. Buddha looks equally with a kind heart on all living beings and they therefore call him 'Father'. To disrespect a father is wrong, to despise him is sin.
The Tathagata does not seek liberation in austerities, but for that reason you must not think that he indulges in worldly pleasure, nor does he live in abundance. The Tathagata has found the 'Middle Path'.
Neither abstinence from fish nor flesh, nor going naked, nor shaving the head, nor wearing matted hair, nor dressing in a rough garment, nor covering with dirt, nor sacrificing to fire, will cleanse a man who is not free from delusions.
Reading the Vedas, making offering to priests or sacrifices to gods, self-mortification by heat or cold, and many such penances performed for the sake of immortality do not cleanse the man who is not free from delusions.
Anger, drunkenness, obstinacy, bigotry, deception, envy, self-praise, disparaging others, superciliousness, and evil intentions constitute uncleanliness; no verily the eating of flesh.
Let me teach you, O bhikshus, the middle path, which keeps aloof from both extremes.

By suffering, the emaciated devotee produces confusing and sickly thoughts in his mind.

Mortification is not conducive even to worldly knowledge; how much less to a triumph over the senses!
He who fills his lamp with water will not dispel the darkness, and he who with tries to light a fire with rotten wood will fail.
Mortifications are painful, vain and profitless. And how can anyone be free by leading a wretched if he does not succeed in quenching the fires of lust?
All mortification is vain so long as self remains, so long as self continues to lust after worldly or heavenly pleasures. But he in whom self become extinct, is free from lust; he will desire neither worldly nor heavenly pleasures, and the satisfaction of his natural wants will not defile him. Let him eat and drink according to the needs of the body.
Water surrounds the lotuses, but does not wet its petals. On the other hand, sensuality of all kinds is enervating. The sensual man is a slave of his passions, and pleasure-seeking is degrading an vulgar.
But to satisfy the necessities of life is not evil. To keep the body in good health is a duty, for otherwise we shall not be able to trim the lamp of wisdom and keep our mind strong and clear.
This is the 'Middle Path', O bhikshus, that keeps aloof from both extremes.

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